Saturday, July 28, 2012


Video ini kami persembahkan khusus untuk guru bangsa yang telah tiada, GUSDUR ENGLISH SHOLAWAT.Sholawat GUSDUR dengan bahasa Inggris yang menyentuh relung hati yang paling dalam.Semoga beliau dalam ridloNya...

Monday, July 23, 2012


ا لسلا م عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف الانبياء والمرسلين وعلى اله واصحابه اجمعين . اما بعد

Excellency : K.H. Hudun Abdul Ghoni
Honorable ; Director of UNIVERSAL ENGLISH COURSE, Mr.Ali Mahmudi,S.Pd. and all of teachers                                    
Respectable  : all of audiences
 First of all, let’s thanks unto our God Allah S.W.T. The almighty in this universe who has been giving us some mercies and blessings. It can not be counted on.
        Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our prophet Muhammad S.A.W, our last and beloved messenger  of Allah S.W.T. He is our lover, he has love and affection.
        Well, happy audiences. In beautiful moment, we are student of the first grade and second grade  would like to say congratulation to third grade.
All of my friends whom I love, studying is never limited. After finish from this English course please continue to university, working and get our desire with some process of education rules.
Happy audience, as we know that our English course is one process of them. Our English course is place where education birth and our teachers are heroes without reward. My brothers and my sisters, there are not suitable and beautiful words for them because their good offices make us better in the future. Thank you very much for our teachers, you are always in our deep heart.
Before this beautiful time is over, I would like to give you my English sholawat, may it can inspire us and everybody in education will be better.

اَستغفر الله ربّ البرايا  #  استغفر الله من الخطيا
ربّي زدني علما نافعا   #   ووفقني عملا صالحا
يارسول الله سلام عليك  #  يارفيع الشّان والدّرج
عطفة ياجيرة العلم        #  يااهيل الجود والكرم

     All of my brothers, all of my sisters   #  Let’s us always study together
      Advice of teachers obey forever       #   All of the teachers is our prayer
              For all of teachers always remember  #  You give me science you give me desire
                       You are hero without a reward   #   You are a hero without expression
Dear audiences, that’s all for my speech. Thank you very much for your nice attention. May our God, Allah SWT bless us in this world and here after, Amin… .
وا لسلا م عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته 


ا لسلا م عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف الانبياء والمرسلين وعلى اله واصحابه اجمعين . اما بعد

Excellency : K.H. Hudun Abdul Ghoni
Honorable ; Director of UNIVERSAL ENGLISH COURSE, Mr.Ali Mahmudi,S.Pd. and all of teachers                                    
Respectable  : all of audiences
        First of all, let’s thanks unto our God Allah S.W.T. The almighty in this universe who has been giving us some mercies and blessings. It can not be counted on.
        Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our prophet Muhammad S.A.W, our last and beloved messenger  of Allah S.W.T. He is our lover, he has love and affection.
        Well, happy audiences. In beautiful moment, we are student of the first grade and second grade  would like to say congratulation to third grade.
All of my friends whom I love, studying is never limited. After finish from this English course please continue to university, working and get our desire with some process of education rules.
Happy audience, as we know that our English course is one process of them. Our English course is place where education birth and our teachers are heroes without reward. My brothers and my sisters, there are not suitable and beautiful words for them because their good offices make us better in the future. Thank you very much for our teachers, you are always in our deep heart.
Before this beautiful time is over, I would like to give you my English sholawat, may it can inspire us and everybody in education will be better.

اَستغفر الله ربّ البرايا  #  استغفر الله من الخطيا
ربّي زدني علما نافعا   #   ووفقني عملا صالحا
يارسول الله سلام عليك  #  يارفيع الشّان والدّرج
عطفة ياجيرة العلم        #  يااهيل الجود والكرم

     All of my brothers, all of my sisters   #  Let’s us always study together
      Advice of teachers obey forever       #   All of the teachers is our prayer
              For all of teachers always remember  #  You give me science you give me desire
                       You are hero without a reward   #   You are a hero without expression
Dear audiences, that’s all for my speech. Thank you very much for your nice attention. May our God, Allah SWT bless us in this world and here after, Amin… .
وا لسلا م عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته